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Adhésion 2024

Ven 1 Déc 2023 - 14:53 par rieppe

La campagne d'adhésion HelloAsso 2024 est ouverte ici :

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Assemblée générale 2023

Mar 7 Nov 2023 - 10:01 par uncle_acid

Salut à tous,

L'assemblée générale 2023 aura lieu à Toulouse le vendredi 01/12/2023 à 20h à la salle San Subra  (2 rue San Subra 31300 Toulouse).
Pour celles ou ceux qui ne peuvent pas …

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Gout d'Alcool

5 participants

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Gout d'Alcool

Message par romain&romain Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 16:55


Pour les FDMBA j'ai tenté une Belgian Strong en Février. C'était pas mal mais je me suis dit que je pouvais faire mieux, du coup j'en ai fait une autre en forçant le trait (DI 1076 ABV 9.9), et à l'arrivée j'ai un moût qui a un fort goût d'alcool. Vous savez si je peux le corriger avant embouteillage ? A part couper à l'eau ?



Messages : 645
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2017
Age : 44
Localisation : Toulouse Patte d'Oie

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par rieppe Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 16:56

Fais un gros dry hop Razz


Messages : 3125
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2017
Age : 39
Localisation : Toulouse

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par romain&romain Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 17:12

Sérieux ? J'y ai pensé mais je me suis dit que l'aromatique ne pouvait pas camoufler le gustatif

Messages : 645
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2017
Age : 44
Localisation : Toulouse Patte d'Oie

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par RedTurtle77 Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 17:38

Avec la carbonatation y a pas des chances que ça s’attenue ?

Messages : 188
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2021
Age : 33
Localisation : Toulouse

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par fat freddy Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 18:02

Si c'est des alcools de fusels, c'est mort
Les causes, fermentation trop haut ou sous ensemencement
fat freddy
fat freddy

Messages : 1053
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2015
Localisation : Lot

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par fat freddy Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 18:18

Fusel Alcohols (AKA Fusel Oils, Higher Alcohols)
Detected In: Aroma, flavor, mouthfeel.
Described As: Alcoholic, “harsh,” solventy, spicy or
vinous in flavor and aroma, sometimes reminiscent of cheap
distilled liquors (e.g., cheap vodka or rum). Some fusel alcohols
might have an initial sweetness, but a harsh aftertaste. Fusels are
detected in mouthfeel as burning, harsh, hot, numbing or prickly
sensations. Can also be detected as a prickliness, warming,
pepperiness or pain in the nasal passages.
Typical Origins: Yeast.
Typical Concentrations in Beer: Variable, usually ~5-100
Perception Threshold: Variable, usually ~50-200 mg/l.
Beer Flavor Wheel Numbers: 0110, 0120.
Discussion: Various fusel (“higher”) alcohols are produced
as minor respiratory byproducts by yeast during the metabolism
of amino acids. Acetate and fusel alcohols can all react
chemically with oxoacids to produce esters.
* Yeast can convert amino acids in the wort into higher
alcohols by deamination (i.e., removing amine groups),
decarboxylation and reduction.
* Metabolism or oxidation of hydroxy acids or ketoacids
can form higher alcohols.
* Higher alcohols can be produced from sugars which are
converted to acetate and then to higher alcohols.
* Acetate and fusel alcohols can all react chemically with
oxoacids to produce esters. Oxidation of beer due to aging can
convert fusel alcohols to esters.
In well-made beer fusels are usually present in sub-
threshold concentrations. Distressed or wild yeast might
metabolize fatty acids (carried into the wort as trub from the hot
and cold break) as a source of oxygen and carbon, producing a
greater fraction of long chain alcohols and raising fusels to
detectable levels. Likewise, high gravity worts, high
fermentation temperatures and high concentrations of alcohol
also encourage yeast to produce higher alcohols.
In beer, even if it’s not harsh or unpleasant, strong
alcoholic notes are usually due to elevated levels of higher
alcohols. Pure ethanol has little aroma or flavor of its own and is
mostly detected in mouthfeel. Fusel alcohol concentrations in
top-fermented beers should not exceed 100 mg/l. Fusel alcohol
concentrations in bottom-fermented beers should not exceed 60-
90 mg/l.
Solventy notes can also be produced by very high levels of
ethyl acetate and similar esters (see Esters).
While technically alcohols, Phenolic compounds are
described in their own sections. Also see Ethanol and Solventy.
fat freddy
fat freddy

Messages : 1053
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2015
Localisation : Lot

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par fat freddy Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 18:19

Increased By: * Increased fermentation temperature. *
Pitching temperatures above 8 °C (46.4 °F). Wild yeast
infection. * Poor Yeast Management:. Underpitching. Mineral
deficiency. Poor yeast health. Low dissolved oxygen in wort.
Incorrect fermentation temperature for strain (too high or low -
especially too high). Dehydration of yeast. Lack of Free Amino
Nitrogen (FAN). Insufficient amino acids. Excessive aeration of
wort (i.e., above 10 mg/l). * High gravity wort (above 13 °P,
1.052 O.G.). * Excessively high levels of amino acids in wort. *
High ethanol concentration (>9%).* Wild yeast infection. *
Movement of green beer (i.e., stirring or pumping, repeatedly
topping up fermenting wort).
To Avoid or Control: * Proper fermentation temperature. *
Cooler pitching and/or fermentation temperature. * Proper yeast
health. Correct pitching rates for wort gravity and style. * Avoid
oxygenating fermenting wort or green beer. * Proper sanitation
to avoid wild yeast infection. * Avoid CO 2 buildup in fermentor.
* Avoid over-modification during mashing, to avoid excessive
levels of amino acids in wort. * Longer conditioning time - fusel
alcohols break down over time, producing a “smoother” flavor.
(This is the reason that makers of distilled beverages age their
products, and why aged spirits are premium products.)
When Are Fusel Alcohol Notes Appropriate?: Detectable
levels of higher alcohols are always a fault. They are likely to
appear in strong beers, especially beers fermented at high
temperatures (e.g., Belgian strong ales), but can also appear in
poorly-made or inadequately aged eisbocks or strong ales.

Complete beer fault guide
fat freddy
fat freddy

Messages : 1053
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2015
Localisation : Lot

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par fat freddy Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 19:04

rieppe a écrit:Fais un gros dry hop Razz
Ca me fait penser à Vuillemin
fat freddy
fat freddy

Messages : 1053
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2015
Localisation : Lot

Gals aime ce message

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par romain&romain Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 19:19

Ok merci

Ca ressemble fort à fusels Sad

Messages : 645
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2017
Age : 44
Localisation : Toulouse Patte d'Oie

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par jules Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 19:33

Faut laisser vieillir quoi

Messages : 516
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2020
Localisation : glory heights

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

Message par fat freddy Lun 23 Mai 2022 - 20:38

jules a écrit:Faut laisser vieillir quoi
Pour moi, c'est stable comme molécules
fat freddy
fat freddy

Messages : 1053
Date d'inscription : 16/12/2015
Localisation : Lot

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Gout d'Alcool Empty Re: Gout d'Alcool

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